英國BIS閥門 BIS電磁閥 BIS計量閥 BIS3位換向閥 BIS4位換向閥 BIS止回閥 BIS單向閥
英國BIS閥門有限公司成立于1971年,主要提供工業流體控制產品,作為 個專業的流體控制專家,不斷的為客戶提供優質的產品與服務。針對高壓液體和氣體,公司不斷的研發 系列的小口徑不銹鋼壓力閥,在石油,天然氣工業,海底和井下應用非常廣泛。
BiS is an internationally recognised company with over 30 years experience in the design and manufacture of a wide range of small bore stainless steel pressure and flow control valves for high pressure liquid and gas.
Operating in a variety of sectors, we are a leading supplier to the Offshore Oil and Gas industry for topside, subsea and downhole applications where quality, reliability and safety are critical.
With an extensive range of standard products and a bespoke design service we aim to provide the solutions for your applications.
謙康實業(上海)有限公司是 家集設計、銷售為 體的高新技術工程服務單位,專注于工業機械自動化設備的設計與開發,各種生產流水線工藝的自動化智能化改造,為客戶設計開發各種非標設備、專用生產線。
謙康實業(上海)有限公司的宗旨為客戶提供 優質的產品和服務,為客戶提供 優解決方案,我們用 優質的服務來解決您的難題,期待您的來電,共創佳績!
Qkong Industrial(ShangHai) Corporation Limited.
Add: Room 10-19, Building A,No.5008 Hutai Road, Shanghai City. China