不銹鋼裝飾線條冷壓 體成型,嚴格的選擇完美的的組合,典雅的造型,華麗精美的外觀,產品結構堅實,耐用,不易起水垢,不易生銹,易清洗.不銹鋼線條安裝方便、省工、省料。用角線,瓷磚或石材不用靡磨角。倒角,會貼瓷磚和石材的師傅簡單、輕松便可完成安裝。不銹鋼線條使裝璜美觀、亮麗。角線弧面平滑,線條筆直,能有效保證包邊貼角平直,使裝璜的邊角更具有立體美感。不銹鋼線條性能穩定、不受任何氣候條件的影響,防撞性 好,能按你裝璜的要求貼出你理想角度.
定制金屬裝飾線條 184-0208-0762 佛山賽馳爾金屬制品有限公司
Stainless steel decoration line cold pressing molding, strictly choose the perfect combination, the modelling of elegant, elegant appearance, product structure solid, durable, not easy to scale, not easy to rust, easy to clean. Stainless steel line is easy installation, province industry and materials.
With horn line, ceramic tile or stone grinding Angle without bonding.
Chamfering, ceramic tile and stone will master is simple and easy to complete the installation.
Stainless steel line makes the decoration beautiful, bright beautiful.
Horn line surface smooth, straight lines, can effectively guarantee the package edge fillet straight, make the decoration of the edge horn is more stereo aesthetic feeling.
Stainless steel line performance is stable, not subject to any climate condition, the influence of crashworthiness is wonderful, can according to your decoration requirements posted your ideal Angle.
Stainless steel special-shaped decorative order: KTV hotel stainless steel special-shaped ceiling decorative lines, bright color, show richly luxurious temperament, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, such as performance, durable, ensure normal 20 years does not change color;
At the same time, after PVD technology treatment of stainless steel plate and products, to keep the surface of the stainless steel, the original fully, luster and strength, and its physical, chemical, mechanical performance is not affected, can be directly for subsequent processing, can effectively play the stainless steel me-tal all the features of green environmental protection.
According to the customer to figure processing and rose gold stainless steel line, u-shaped adornment, v-shaped planed pit decorative thread slot
Custom me-tal decoration line 184-0208-0762 foshan chi, me-tal products co., LTD